Questions To Ask Your Kids
When is the last time you asked your kids a question they were not expecting?!
As a busy parent it is easy to get into the habit of just asking “how was school today?” or having other types of routine conversations. I know I used to with my kids!
In this podcast I’ll inspire you to ask quick, fun and quirky questions that your kids will love to talk and think about. It will help you mix up your conversations at home AND build your child’s 21st century skills e.g. creativity, critical thinking, communication etc.
Each episode is a short 15 – 20 minutes long featuring a different 6 -12 year old child that I have a quick chat with. Listen in to hear conversations around “What are 10 things to do with a cup?” (Creativity) or “How would you cross a river if you had to?” (Critical Thinking) or "How could you describe a car to an alien?” (Communication) etc.
You could also listen with your child and pause now and again asking what they would say in the same situation!
Each of the questions and prompts I use comes from an app I’ve built for parents. It’s called KidCoachApp and, if you like what you hear, I invite you to download also and get started for free: www.kidcoach.app.
Let's get your kids talking and thinking!
Dad of two kids
Founder, KidCoach
If you could invent a playing card game, what would the rules be?
Is any one animal more important than another?
What persuades people?
If you could have any three wishes granted, what would they be?
What makes a good present?
What is expensive but worth it?
How can you reduce waiting times for lifts?
Should teammates be friends?
Which is the best charity to donate money to?
What would you do if you could automatically learn anything you wanted?
If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
What would you do if you were mayor for a week? (Quick snippet)
How should we name new things?
What would the world be like if money did not exist? (Quick snippet)
If you invented a new game using playing cards, what would the rules be?
What can grown ups do that you wish you could do? (Quick snippet)
If you could create any museum you wanted, what would it be for?
Should we care what people think of us? (Quick snippet)
What can we learn from history?
What would you change if you could travel back in time? (Quick snippet)
Is it ever OK to hit someone?
If you break the rules without knowing it, have you cheated? (Quick snippet)
If you could write a book, what would it be about?
If aliens come to earth are they exploring or invading? (Quick snippet)
If you were planning a party, what are all the things you need to think about?